Hello! It's such an amazingly beautiful day today! Yesterday we had a fun dinner with our student married ward as a last hurrah now that it is dissolved and we are all to enter family wards, except for a few couples who live closer to the university campuses. Brad and I are really excited to enter a family ward and have lots more youth and more diversity.
Last night we helped Jared move his stuff into his new apartment now that school is over. It's nice to get the place to ourselves but we'll continue to hang out with him a lot. Needless to say, Chloe is moved into her new room and we're loving it! Even she seems to notice the upgrade.
Tonight Chloe and I are going jogging at the recreation center with Kenzie and Brad is going to a concert with his buddy, Russ. I'm glad he's getting a fun man night.
Chloe has started to enjoy putting things on her head, whether she can see through them or not. I think she likes the attention we give her when she does it.
They are dissolving the student ward? Sad day!