Saturday, October 20, 2012

Chloe's 2nd Horse Show

Chloe got to compete in her second horse show and had just as much fun as the first. She did great and we're very proud of her. It was quite chilly this morning so all the kids kept their coats on during the show. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Chloe's Costume

This year for Halloween, Chloe and I are both going to be witches. I thought she looked so cute in her new costume that I had to take some pre-Halloween pictures. Enjoy!

Halloween Cookies

Yesterday I made some Halloween cookies for the neighbors and Chloe had fun frosting (and eating) her own cookie. 

Claire Jane Young

A couple weeks ago, I had some fun building a little homemade photo studio in our dining room so I could take some cute pictures of Claire.

Chloe's First Horse Show

Hello! Sorry, I've gotten really behind in updating our blog so here is my attempt to catch up. A couple weeks ago Chloe got to compete in her first horse show in a lead-line class. She had so much fun and we were so proud of her. She's such a natural rider and looks pretty cute up there.